
I have had a variety of teaching experience in Department of Finance, Economics and Risk Management in the College of Business at Missouri State University, the Department of Economics at Connecticut College, and in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham details of which are given below.

I report my Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) scores as available in parenthesis where the scale is 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).

Department of Finance, Economics and Risk Management at Missouri State University

Assistant Professor

Principles of Microeconomics

Behavioral Economics (formerly Experimental Economics)

Comparative Economic Systems

Game Theory

Department of Economics at Connecticut College


Introductory Microeconomics – First Year UG (Autumn 2018 – Sect. 1: 5.84; Sect. 2: 6.20; Spring 2019 – Sect. 1: 6.45; Sect. 2: 6.34; Sect. 3: 6.29; Spring 2020 – Sect. 1: 6.54; Sect. 2: 6.65)

Environmental Economics (cross listed in Environment Studies) – Second Year UG (Autumn 2018-19: 6.01, Autumn 2019-2020: 5.53)

  • Community Partner Grant Project: In Fall 2020, students in Connecticut College’s Eco 212/ES 212 Environmental Economics course worked with local nonprofit environmental organizations on grant applications totalling $127,000 to fund projects benefiting the New London community

Introduction to Experimental Economics – Second Year UG (Spring 2019-20: 6.40)

Nudging to Success (First Year Seminar) – (Autumn 2019-20: 5.60)



The Politics of Economics and the Economics of Politicians (joint with Sir Vince Cable and others) – leading the Nottingham Advantage Award version FutureLearn MOOC (2016-17; 2017-18)

Advanced Monetary Economics – Final Year UG (2016-17: 6.16; 2017-18: 5.67)

Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG – Brainstorming Sessions (2016-17; 2017-18)


Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG (2016-17: 4 Students; 2017-18: 8 Students)

Economic Research Methodology/Dissertation – MSc (2016-17: 2 Students; 2017-18: 2 Students)


Introduction to Microeconomics – First Year UG (2013-14: 5.98; 2014-15: 5.95)

Economic Integration – First Year UG (2014-15)

Environmental and Resource Economics – Second Year UG (2013-14: 6.02; 2014-15; 2015-16: 6.19)

Political Economy – Final Year UG (2016-17; 2017-18)

Advanced Experimental and Behavioural Economics – Final Year UG (2016-17; 2017-18)

Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG (2015-16: 6.65)