
I have had a variety of teaching experience in the Department of Economics at Connecticut College and in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham details of which are given below.

I report my Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) scores as available in parenthesis where the scale is 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest).

Department of Economics at Connecticut College


Introductory Microeconomics – First Year UG (Autumn 2018 – Sect. 1: 5.84; Sect. 2: 6.20; Spring 2019 – Sect. 1: 6.45; Sect. 2: 6.34; Sect. 3: 6.29; Spring 2020 – Sect. 1: 6.54; Sect. 2: 6.65)

Environmental Economics (cross listed in Environment Studies) – Second Year UG (Autumn 2018-19: 6.01, Autumn 2019-2020: 5.53)

  • Community Partner Grant Project: In Fall 2020, students in Connecticut College’s Eco 212/ES 212 Environmental Economics course worked with local nonprofit environmental organizations on grant applications totalling $127,000 to fund projects benefiting the New London community

Introduction to Experimental Economics – Second Year UG (Spring 2019-20: 6.40)

Nudging to Success (First Year Seminar) – (Autumn 2019-20: 5.60)



The Politics of Economics and the Economics of Politicians (joint with Sir Vince Cable and others) – leading the Nottingham Advantage Award version FutureLearn MOOC (2016-17; 2017-18)

Advanced Monetary Economics – Final Year UG (2016-17: 6.16; 2017-18: 5.67)

Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG – Brainstorming Sessions (2016-17; 2017-18)


Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG (2016-17: 4 Students; 2017-18: 8 Students)

Economic Research Methodology/Dissertation – MSc (2016-17: 2 Students; 2017-18: 2 Students)


Introduction to Microeconomics – First Year UG (2013-14: 5.98; 2014-15: 5.95)

Economic Integration – First Year UG (2014-15)

Environmental and Resource Economics – Second Year UG (2013-14: 6.02; 2014-15; 2015-16: 6.19)

Political Economy – Final Year UG (2016-17; 2017-18)

Advanced Experimental and Behavioural Economics – Final Year UG (2016-17; 2017-18)

Economics Dissertation – Final Year UG (2015-16: 6.65)