Alewife Cove Conservancy

Mission: The Alewife Cove Conservancy (ACC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, community-based organization that is dedicated to protecting and improving the health of Alewife Cove which is bordered by Waterford and New London, CT. The ACC has three fundamental principles:

  1. ​To utilize ecosystem-based management to design solutions for the complex of challenges that affect Alewife Cove and Long Island Sound

  2. To empower our youth and community to take action and protect our waters through volunteer participation in Citizen Science and volunteer efforts

  3. To create a community of stewards that value, protect and are inspired to preserve our vital natural resources


Community Partner Representatives: Edward Lamoureux and Angela Velilla

Student Team Members: Veronica Castellano ‘23, Nick Farnham ‘22, Daigo Nagaoka ‘22, Henry Norris ‘22, Nate Palumbo ‘22, Colleen Raftery ‘22, Garrett Reilly ‘22, Elena Schomburg ‘22, Katherine Wetzel ‘23

Funding Source: Connecticut Sea Grant Development Award

Funding Request: $5,000.00

Project Summary: Following Hurricane Sandy in 2012, Alewife Cove was greatly damaged as a result of sediment and sand build up caused by the storm. With a decreased tidal flow and diminished carrying capacity, the ecology of the Cove has been deteriorating ever since the hurricane as fewer alewife travel to the estuary each year to spawn. For this reason, an initial research study on the health of the Cove pertaining to its water quality and sediment condition is required in order to kickstart a campaign to revitalize and restore this alewife estuary. By understanding the current condition of the estuary, we will be able to determine what needs to be improved in order for the community of New London to reap the benefits.

Presentation: Slides in PDF format