Sustainable CT New London

Mission: Sustainable CT communities strive to be thriving, resilient, collaborative, and forward-looking. They build community and local economy. They equitably promote the health and well-being of current and future residents, and they respect the finite capacity of the natural environment. New London is a Sustainable CT bronze certified applicant. New London was certified on October 28, 2019 with 440 points. Listed in New London’s Certification Report is information regarding New London’s Sustainable CT efforts and materials associated with the applicant’s certified actions.

Website: and New London’s Sustainable CT Certification Report

Community Partner Representatives: Merrijo Logan and Karen Stevenson

Student Team Members: Hattie Cookson ‘21, Sam Cuda ‘23, Ren DeBartolomeis ‘24, Marta Denny ‘22, Anthony Mancini ‘21, Olivia Powers ‘23

Funding Source: Connecticut Urban Act Grant Program

Funding Request: $5,000.00

Project Summary: We are asking the State of Connecticut for $5,000 of funds through the Urban Action Grant Program to aid in purchasing supplies for materials for an equitable take-home bug hotel kit under a program we are calling “The Art of Sustainability”. The idea is that 3-5th graders in New London Public Schools (Winthrop STEM, Nathan Hale, Hennings, and Harbor School) will receive a DIY quit that will include materials as well as instructional pamphlets on objects they can find around their house that they can repurpose for use in their bug hotels. This will both provide a fun activity for children to engage in, teach and expose them to the idea and practice of recycling/repurposing, as well as get them outside in the natural world to find flora to include in their art installation.

Presentation: Slides in PDF format